

The purpose of the Shreveport Historic Preservation Commission is to protect, enhance, and preserve properties of historic, geographic or architectural significance located within the City that reflect elements of the City's heritage. The Commission determines which structures or areas within the City are eligible for designation as possible landmarks and recommends these structures to the City Council. The Commission reviews any activity (i.e., alteration, expansion, demolition, etc.) within any designated historic district and/or landmark and determines the appropriateness of such renovations. The Commission also reviews applications for state income tax credits related to historic preservation, as well as offers pro bono professional advice, practical, information, and pertinent reference about materials an techniques used in historic preservation and restoration.

All Certificate of Appropriateness and/or Certificate of Demolition applications are administered by the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC). The Executive Director of the MPC, upon a recommendation from the Shreveport Historic Preservation Commission (HPC), will make an administrative final decision.

The HPC does not review cases that involve routine maintenance or replacement of any part of the property using the same design and materials as the original building.

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